Monday, 4 October 2010


So i doubt any of you know this about me, but i am an avid mountain biker,
This sunday saw the return of the Red bull rampage,
See the video for the finals highlights.

I hope you enjoyed that as much as i did,
The contest was held in the beautiful Utah desert.
With all the riders going big and there being some injurys, 
it made for an amazing show, i think the main highlight was that massive 360 off the oakley sender.

well, thats it for today :) thank you for reading.


  1. I enjoy mountain biking also!

  2. a lot of my friends downhill every weekend... never got into it myself.

  3. Roadbiking is my thing. I ride a fixed gear. I'll make a post with pics and all that cool shit. I'll keep you posted

  4. Great design, good video, great blog. Overall A. Most blogs are usually shitty, but I enjoy this one. Oh and I didn't even bother to view the rest of the video because it was so cool!

  5. Some of those runs were brilliant, but couldn't quite compare to some of those wipeouts.

  6. ahh red bull rampage is SOO awesome. love watchin the clips of those crazy bastards chargin down a hill! followed.

  7. Very good your blog my friend....
    I'll follow you

  8. i always go to the ground riding a bike D:

  9. Let's see Lance Armstrong do that!

  10. I used to like biking when I was younger, can't say I ride one much anymore though haha. Maybe I'll dig my bike out one of these days.

  11. I love mountain biking! Great post!
